Clip 1- sound
The diegetic sounds of the game they are playing creates an atmosphere of excitement. This makes you part of the game, the director has done this to make you feel like you are one of the kids. This is a technique used to feel for the characters and get you on their side from the start.
Next we have non diegetic which is used as a theme tune for the series you start referencing it and linking it to the programme.
Finally we have synchronous sound which links the game that they are playing, when mike says 'boom' and they all get scared this makes you feel like them and wha it was like when you were a kid. This is designed to make you think of what it was you did when you were a kid.
the long shots that are used are designed show the kids are riding there bikes together and that they are a close group of friends. This puts you in that friend group and makes you feel for them.
next we have close shot of them when they are playing the game, this shows how serious they all are. This takes you back to the time that you would play with all your friends and would really get into it like your life depended on it.
the low angle shot shows that the mum is in charge and that she has power over what they do, this makes you think back to being kid and wanting to play for 5more minutes for someone telling you you can't. this makes you empathise with the characters.
Editing: The main editing technique used is cut, this is used to show the different camera angles around the room but also keeps the camera close to the kids to show any action that’s going to happen, this links in with fast paced editing that is also used, although there isn’t much action going on there is still fast paced editing used so they the board game feels more real because that’s how it feels for them this represents how they think and act, to them it isn’t just a game it is scary and they need to make quick decisions. Shot reverse shot is also used to show when each kid is talking but also cut from one over the shoulder shot to another.
The old fashion clothing is setting the scene when it comes to when it was set. This is because they really want to put the point across of how different they were back in them days. For example they had phones that needed wires and you cannot work and also they would smoke indoors that was very common. it is designed to show the contrast of how times has changed. It is also showing you what kind of characters they are. For example the police man pushes his teeth then has a drag on his fag and washes it all out with some beer. This shows that he is a broken man and that he has a lot of issues. This is highlighted by the fact his lives in a secluded and isolated area which symbolises that he likes to be alone.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Monday, 25 September 2017
News: An Evolving Media Product
News: The Political landscape of Britain
The Conservative Party, officially the Conservativeand Unionist Party, is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently the governing party, having been so since the 2010 general election, where a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats was formed. The leader of the party is Theresa May, the current prime minister.
The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom. It has been described as a broad church, bringing together an alliance of social-democratic, socialist and trade-unionist outlooks. The leader of this part is Jeremy Corbyn
The UK Independence Party is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom. Headquartered in Newton Abbot, Devon, its current leader is Henry Bolton.
Liberal democrats
The Conservative Party, officially the Conservativeand Unionist Party, is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently the governing party, having been so since the 2010 general election, where a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats was formed. The leader of the party is Theresa May, the current prime minister.
The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom. It has been described as a broad church, bringing together an alliance of social-democratic, socialist and trade-unionist outlooks. The leader of this part is Jeremy Corbyn
The UK Independence Party is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom. Headquartered in Newton Abbot, Devon, its current leader is Henry Bolton.
Liberal democrats
It was formed in 1988 as a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party (SDP), a splinter group from the Labour Party. The two parties had formed the SDP–Liberal Alliance seven years prior.
At the 2010 general election, led by Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats won 57 seats, making them the third-largest party in the House of Commons, behind the Conservatives with 306 and Labour with 258. With no party having an overall majority, the Lib Dems agreed to join a coalition government with the Conservatives, with Clegg becoming Deputy Prime Minister and other party members taking up ministerial positions.
Daily Mail VS The Guardian
The Guardian vs Daily Mail
The Daily Mail is a conservative middle market British daily that was established to address the then newly literate middle class that exploded in the late 19th century. Currently owned by the Daily Mail and the General Trust.
The Guardian founded in 1821 is a British national daily newspaper. From its small start in the 19th-century it is now one of the highest selling national daily newspapers in the United Kingdom. Formally a newspaper for businessmen and business followers, the Guardian was once backed by the non-conformist Little Circle.
As some know, it is difficult for newspapers to survive without taking a strong stance political in the UK market. Defining a political stance is one of the few ways to secure a niche audience in the turbulent ever changing print journalism world of the UK.
The Guardian contains feature articles, columns, television and radio listings, and the ever-present crossword puzzle section. Since it changed from the Berliner format from the tabloid format, the Guardian features a daily Sport section.
The Daily Mail is a conservative middle market British daily that was established to address the then newly literate middle class that exploded in the late 19th century. Currently owned by the Daily Mail and the General Trust.
The Guardian founded in 1821 is a British national daily newspaper. From its small start in the 19th-century it is now one of the highest selling national daily newspapers in the United Kingdom. Formally a newspaper for businessmen and business followers, the Guardian was once backed by the non-conformist Little Circle.
As some know, it is difficult for newspapers to survive without taking a strong stance political in the UK market. Defining a political stance is one of the few ways to secure a niche audience in the turbulent ever changing print journalism world of the UK.
The Guardian contains feature articles, columns, television and radio listings, and the ever-present crossword puzzle section. Since it changed from the Berliner format from the tabloid format, the Guardian features a daily Sport section.
The Guardian redesigned its format in 2005. Due to a recent decline in print journalism in the UK, the Guardian has downsized tremendously from its glory days before. It is now, as most media agencies, heavily depended on advertisements. This shows what other people think of what the guardia was posting. This forced them to change the way they produced the news
Friday, 15 September 2017
Textual Analysis for Mad Men
The first camera technique that you are exposed to is an establing shot of New York, you know that it is New York because of the taxi cars and the busy streets being looked over by high rise offices. This makes it seem like the people who are in these buildings are better than the people who are walking on the pavement. Next you have a birds eye view or an ariel shot. This is an extreme high angle shot where you are looking down on something. This links in well with the establishing shot and the idea of the people looking down on others. Also when we are in the building we are now shown tracking shots of the busy men moving through the building with authority. This is when the camera tracks the people moving through the office and is almost meant to be following them. finally we have an over the shoulder shot, this happens over multiple convocations where someone is talking and you can see this from over someones shoulder. This is to show who they are having the convocation with and who they are directing their comments at.
The first of the sound techniques that i spotted was diabetic sounds this is where the characters can hear the sound that is being made. For example in the text the characters can here the secretary talking and having conversations this is done to add atmosphere and make the scene less awkward. Next we have non-diagetic sound, this is a sound that the characters cannot hear and what the audience can hear. For Mad Men this is at the start of the scene when you can here old fashion music which shows you what time frame it is set and gives atmosphere to the scene. Lastly we have synchronous sound, this is where a sound is linked to a place or a person and you relate them to this. In mad men this is the sounds are type writers this means that you know instantly that it is a office and this creates an atmosphere
The first editing technique they use is shot reverse shot, this is used when two people in a scene are having a convocation and the camera is going from one of them to another. This happens multiple times in mad men. For example it happens when the men are laughing at the man who is on the phone to his wife. This is designed to make the scene light hearted and funny and creates humour. Next we have continuity editing this is designed to make the scene flow more easily and make one scene link straight into another. This happens when the men walk from the elevator to the office they go from room to room and it all seems to be one movement.
The first one is the props that are used. They are there to create effect and bring another element to the scene. For example in mad men they are the yellow taxis, these are to relate them to scene location which is meant to be new york. We know this because they are known for their yellow taxis. Clothing is used to show what time of age this show is meant to be shown in, it is also used for showing what sorts of characters people are. So in mad men you have old fashion cloths which hows they are clearly business men who are from the 60's. this brings a big element to the show. This is also partnered with the props, smoking which is a prop used to show it is the 60's because we know that smoking was aloud indoors in the 60's.
The first camera technique that you are exposed to is an establing shot of New York, you know that it is New York because of the taxi cars and the busy streets being looked over by high rise offices. This makes it seem like the people who are in these buildings are better than the people who are walking on the pavement. Next you have a birds eye view or an ariel shot. This is an extreme high angle shot where you are looking down on something. This links in well with the establishing shot and the idea of the people looking down on others. Also when we are in the building we are now shown tracking shots of the busy men moving through the building with authority. This is when the camera tracks the people moving through the office and is almost meant to be following them. finally we have an over the shoulder shot, this happens over multiple convocations where someone is talking and you can see this from over someones shoulder. This is to show who they are having the convocation with and who they are directing their comments at.
The first of the sound techniques that i spotted was diabetic sounds this is where the characters can hear the sound that is being made. For example in the text the characters can here the secretary talking and having conversations this is done to add atmosphere and make the scene less awkward. Next we have non-diagetic sound, this is a sound that the characters cannot hear and what the audience can hear. For Mad Men this is at the start of the scene when you can here old fashion music which shows you what time frame it is set and gives atmosphere to the scene. Lastly we have synchronous sound, this is where a sound is linked to a place or a person and you relate them to this. In mad men this is the sounds are type writers this means that you know instantly that it is a office and this creates an atmosphere
The first editing technique they use is shot reverse shot, this is used when two people in a scene are having a convocation and the camera is going from one of them to another. This happens multiple times in mad men. For example it happens when the men are laughing at the man who is on the phone to his wife. This is designed to make the scene light hearted and funny and creates humour. Next we have continuity editing this is designed to make the scene flow more easily and make one scene link straight into another. This happens when the men walk from the elevator to the office they go from room to room and it all seems to be one movement.
The first one is the props that are used. They are there to create effect and bring another element to the scene. For example in mad men they are the yellow taxis, these are to relate them to scene location which is meant to be new york. We know this because they are known for their yellow taxis. Clothing is used to show what time of age this show is meant to be shown in, it is also used for showing what sorts of characters people are. So in mad men you have old fashion cloths which hows they are clearly business men who are from the 60's. this brings a big element to the show. This is also partnered with the props, smoking which is a prop used to show it is the 60's because we know that smoking was aloud indoors in the 60's.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Male Gaze Music Video Analysis
Video 1- taylor swift
The video makes the women look empowering an shows that they can do any jobs or tasks that a man could do. However it seems to me that they need the help of technology to help with what they do. The video is aimed at women and how they shouldn't be taken advantage of because of their sexuality
They also try to make the women in the video sexy and attractive to show how women can be dominant and good looking at the same time. The use of sow motion is used to show Taylor's and the other female characters beauty when they are all fighting their hair is done and they are tougher than what they would be this is a way of shows they are capable. Close us shots are also for the same reasons.
Video 2- Justin Timberlake
The video degrades women because they are not in control and he is singing about how he has 'tunnel vision' for a girl this shows that he is thinking of her because of her looks and not her personality. This proves the male gaze because it is saying men see women s objects and not as beings. the video is aimed at men to draw them in to the sexualised women. The rise en Scene for this is different to normal music videos they aren't wearing anything which means they are being sexualised by men
Video 3- Rhianna
This video degrades women because it makes it sound like they are willing to do things like dancing on a pole, something that is frowned upon. and that they only do this for money and not because they enjoy it. It makes them sound money crazy and only care about that. It makes it sound like men are always in control of them. The video is clearly aimed at men to try and get more views by seducing the men who watch it. The girls in the video are meant to be 'sexy' and appealing to men.

They also try to make the women in the video sexy and attractive to show how women can be dominant and good looking at the same time. The use of sow motion is used to show Taylor's and the other female characters beauty when they are all fighting their hair is done and they are tougher than what they would be this is a way of shows they are capable. Close us shots are also for the same reasons.
Video 2- Justin Timberlake
The video degrades women because they are not in control and he is singing about how he has 'tunnel vision' for a girl this shows that he is thinking of her because of her looks and not her personality. This proves the male gaze because it is saying men see women s objects and not as beings. the video is aimed at men to draw them in to the sexualised women. The rise en Scene for this is different to normal music videos they aren't wearing anything which means they are being sexualised by men
Video 3- Rhianna

Monday, 4 September 2017
Representation Of Teenagers in Newspapers

This shows that people of the younger generation are still able to do the tough jobs of the world and a lot of them are being made to help people when they are in need. when people talk about these sorts of jobs they associate them with adults but what people don't realise is that teenagers are actually doing these jobs now which shows a real maturity.
Much like the last article this shows a teenager who is stepping up and helping people who need it. He was giving people help when the hospital wouldn't and would almost give out private health care. this is a great thing because he is helping a great number of people and is doing something that most adults are not even doing. He is not thinking of himself and is helping the people who need it the most.
This article shows that everyone is effected by the hotline meltdown, from the 2 million people who have only 1 worker to the baby who has died after not having the right advice. this stereotypically shows that not enough people are caring about people and actually standing up for them. And this links in to the article about the flew line. Stereotypically it is the adults that are helping but it is the teenagers of today that are helping.
This goes back to stereotyping teens and generalizing them. They make it sound like teens are the worst behaviour out of everyone and makes it sound like its only teens fault and none of them are good, when actually most of them are actually law abiding citizens. Also what they don't talk about is the upbringing of these youths they don't tell people how they have been brought up. Maybe if they had a better start to life they wouldn't act like this. Also if they weren't treated badly from people who are scared of them.
Friday, 1 September 2017
My Top 10 TV Drama
My top 10 TV Drama's
1. Suits (USA Network)- Suits (TV series) Suits is an American legal drama television series created and written by Aaron Korsh. ... The focal point of the show follows talented college dropout Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams), who initially works as a law associate for Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), despite never actually attending law school.
2. Shooter (Netflix)Shooter is an American television drama series based on the 2007 film of the same name and the novel Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. The show stars Ryan Phillippe in the lead role of Bob Lee Swagger, an expert marksman living in exile who is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president.
3. Arrow (CW)Primarily filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), who, five years after being stranded on a hostile island, returns home to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose weapon of choice is a bow and arrow.
4. Breaking bad (AMC)To make sure his family is financially secure, he teams up with a former student Jesse Pinkman and turns to a life of crime to make and distribute the purest crystal meth on the streets. A once loyal father and chemistry teacher, Walter White, turns to a life of crime due to developing stage 3 terminal lung cancer.
5. Inbetweeners (ITV)The exploits of four friends, who are socially only marginally above what one of them calls "the freaks", are presented as they grow from their late teen years into adults and as they go on their quest, usually unsuccessfully, for such grown up things as beer and sex.
6. Power (Netflix)Power tells the story of James "Ghost" St. Patrick, a wealthy New York City nightclub owner who caters to the city's elite. He wants to build an empire, turn the club into a Fortune 500 business, but there's just one problem: Ghost is living a double life.
7. Stranger Things (Netflix)When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief, and his friends must confront terrifying forces in order to get him back.
8. Daredevil (Netflix)The first season sees lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock use his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of New York City's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood as Daredevil, while uncovering a conspiracy of the criminal underworld being led by Wilson Fisk.
9. Sherlock (BBC)Back in London his search for a place to stay leads him to share a flat with SherlockHolmes (Benedict Cumberbatch), a brilliant but eccentric private detective. Together they solve baffling, and often bizarre, murder mysteries. They also have to compete with Holmes' nemesis, the criminal genius Moriarty.
10. Walking Dead (AMC)Waking up in an empty hospital after weeks in a coma, County Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) finds himself utterly alone. The world as he knows it is gone, ravaged by a zombie epidemic. The Walking Dead tells the story of the weeks and months that follow after the apocalypse.
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