Friday 23 February 2018

Close the Loop: Shot Analysis

These men are part of the muslim community who are stereotyped in England as being criminals, but we know that his is not the case. the man says 'stand out' like when they are together they are seen as differ but then he says 'bend in' which means that they should be able to to just live among others and not even be questioned. They are also discriminated like they are 'immigrants' who are poor but they are stood in Kensington, which is a expensive place to live in London and shows that they are the same as anyone else and they can fit into society well.

 In this photo you can see that there is an african american woman who is trying to stand out and be different. They are saying this because

Wednesday 21 February 2018

H & M- Close the Loop

There was a different style throughout the video that i watched because part way through fast passed editing was used to make it show like they are very busy and have a lot of work to do. And towards the end you see that there are some long pauses which means that they are trying to leave certain images in your mind by making them slightly longer this is done to make you go away from this video and think about the message that they are trying to perceive.

The diegetic sounds used in this pic is the ones that the people can hear this means any part that is meant to link into the message of the theme. For example when the women is stood in the forrest you can hear the sound of birds and wind. this is meant to perceive they are all about nature and they are subliminally telling you their message. This is very cleaver because without you even realise you know their message and they haven't made you read anything. Next is non diegetic sound is sound that they cannot hear so this is stuff like music or backing tracks or the voice over. the voice over used is almost a poem and has a rhythm to it. and the music is soft a quite fasted passed which means this mirrors the company ethos.

Camera work
They use loads of different types of shots that range from long shots to close shots. Close shots are used in the forest to show the women emotions and to show that she cares for the environment and she is taking in interest.