Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Paddington essay

The big issue is representing padington as part of the immigration problem that the uk faces. That I mean by thisnisnthat they are seen as different to people who live in the UK and in this case are presented as ‘animals’ this opens up the stereotypical ideas of what goes along with being an immigrant. People make them out to be less of a person or have less right just because of the geographical location in which they are born. The big issue are trying to combat this by using a familiar face that people already know and love to show that they shouldn’t be feared or made out to be different and actually we should be welcoming them in and do the right thing. The advantages of doing this is that it makes people think and question how they are treating those around them that are in this situation and how they should actually be treating them. This could mean that the next time they are involved with immigration that they will think back to this image because it is memorable and maybe act differently. People also refer to the big issue as talking about the things that normal news outlets don’t talk about because they are not about making a profit as they are a social enterprise who’s only goal is to help people who are homeless or on the verge of homelessness looking back at the article you can see that they have chosen to use the word ‘us’ this is to show that if we are going to solve this problem it can’t just be a couple of us everyone has to chip in and do their bit. It also shows that they are the same as us and that we should be welcoming them in because if it was the other way around we would want them to help us. The article is also set at Christmas time which is a time of giving and how buying this newspaper at the very least is helping the immigration problem within the world.

In conclusion I think that this poster does a great job of putting immigration into a positive light and really makes people think about how they are treating people who come from other backgrounds.

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