Monday, 5 February 2018

rate me don't hate me


  1. Replies
    1. This is not constructive Luke.

    2. Love the orginial black and white colours, really makes the models (male model) look good, your logo fits nice with the picture

  2. WWW: The black and white colour scheme is unique and the logo fits well onto the poster.
    EBI: The second image angle could be straighter and closer to the models so we can have a clear image of the clothing.

  3. - I like the continuity of the black and white although if the clothes are colourful, their appeal has been lost.
    - The logo has been placed in two different positions which loses some of the continuity across the campaign.
    - Ensure the models fill more of the frame so passing members of the public can identify the products on offer.
    - Because of the black and white of the logo, the ethical/fair trade link has been lost as the image resembles a cobbled street without the colour of the earth included.

  4. WWW: Location and positioning is well constructed.
    EBI: Fair Trade brief is not presented greatly compared to others
